Sunday, 14 January 2018

I Hate Myself! :(

These 4 days, I hate my ownself. I cant control my jealous.. and it bring disaster and chaos to our relationship. I dont know why in this relationship, I will get jealous easily. Compared to before, I'm not like this. This isnt me! And I hate this! 

The thing called ego come along with jealous. Any pujukan from her didnt work. Hati keras - yang teramat. And again, this isnt me! :(

I'm hurt. She is hurt. We are hurt. 
Hurt because of our actions. 
The actions that we did repeatedly..

No one can cheer me up like she did.
No one can brighten my life like she did.
No one can make me feel alive like she did.
She is my everything.
My soul. My life.

Help me to fix this. 
I love her. I love this relationship. And i miss her :'(


  1. are you jealous because you think time is running out between you and her? i think if she's not engaging other people (specifically men, for marriage) then it's better for you to discuss with her what is exactly that's been bothering you. sometimes we are angry or jealous because of other issues that we have a hard time communicating with our partner.

    do talk it out with her. hope you guys find the solution that you can live with.

    1. yeah, there are some issues actually. and the issues are the virus in our relationship. it's quite hard for me to talk about it with her.. worrying it will bcome worst.

      but for now, we are okay.

      thank you for ur advice. i do appreciate it :)
