Me: N then i realize.. sy xlayak 😔😔😔😔😔
Me: 💔
Me: 😞☹☹😞😞😞😞
You: Urmmm..ati sye pd awk..abaikn dye..fokus on me
You: Urmmm..
Me: Tp mcm mne syg.. how?
You: Awk je dlm pale sye..awk yg sye nk....
Me: Awk ade yg hak utk awak..yg halal utk awak..yg sah utk awak.. and im just nothing.. till the end of this world syg
You: Urmmm..plis give me a chance to feel kebahgiaan...
You: Sye nmpk tu pd awk
Me: 😢😢😢
You: Plis syg...sye sgt perlukn awk
Me: Ye sy tau 😔
Me: Tp hati ni sakittt.. sakit utk terima kyataan
You: Sye xd hak tuk pkse awk time sye sgt perlukn awk...klu bole tuk slme-lmenye
You: Urmm..ap yg awk nk sye wat?
Me: Awak ade die syg
Me: 😢
You: Urmm..ap yg awk nk sye wat?
Me: Sy xtau
Me: Sy nk bahagiakan awak
Me: Nk jadikan awak permaisuri hidup sy
You: Then...let it be..
You: Syg..sye nk awk..
Me: Fuuuhhhhhh...
Me: Sakitnye syg
You: Be yours
All of these.. it didn't mean that I put blame on her. No. Never. It just.. on that time, we both love each other and willing to put aside all those things that can crack this relationship. As long as we are together. I am hers. She is mine.
But today, everything is upside down. She is willingly to put a fullstop. Where are those words, sayang? Telling me that you need me, you want me. I am disappointed. 💔
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