Tuesday 7 July 2015


We have known each other since Dec 2013. But today is a 'new' day for me. Why?


Today is the day I could see how beautiful she is when wearing tudung.
She looks so pretty, so ayu.
Hey, she bought lots of new tudung. So far, its look great on her.
Especially when she wears the turquoise one with jubah. *dupdapdupdap* Cantik!

But, today is also 'annoying' day for me as..

Whenever on call, she will keep asking this SAME question:
"I nampak cantik tak?"
"Cantik tak bila I pakai tudung tu?"

Of course my answer is positive. Cantik! (honestly,cantik. tak tipu)

But,sampai satu tahap..

Popcorn: "Cantik tak I pakai tudung tu?"
Me: Tiap kali u call mesti tanya soalan ni kan. Mentang2 la kite cakap dia cantik
Popcorn: Hahaha..mestilah..
Me: Hmm, burokkkkkkkkk!
Popcorn: Hahahahahaha. Then aku pun gelak sama.

Now I understand why my friend said that she looks beautiful when wearing tudung. I think it is not too late for me to realize and appreciate your beauty, right? :)

p/s: hey Cotton Candy! how I wish I could share this story with you..