Saturday 14 June 2014

No One's Gonna Love You

Sad and beautiful song. When things don't work out, that person will always have a place in your heart - will forever love her/him.

It's looking like a limb torn off
Or altogether just taken apart
We're reeling through an endless fall
We are the ever-living ghost of what once was

But no one is ever gonna love you more than I do
No one's gonna love you more than I do

And anything to make you smile
It is my better side of you to admire
But they should never take so long
Just to be over then back to another one

But no one is ever gonna love you more than I do
No one's gonna love you more than I do

But someone,
They could have warned you
When things start splitting at the seams and now
The whole thing's tumbling down
Things start splitting at the seams and now
If things start splitting at the seams and now,
It's tumbling down

Anything to make you smile
You are the ever-living ghost of what once was
I never want to hear you say
That you'd be better off
Or you liked it that way

But no one is ever gonna love you more than I do
No one's gonna love you more than I do

But someone
They should have warned you
When things start splitting at the seams and now
The whole thing's tumbling down
Things start splitting at the seams and now
If things start splitting at the seams and now,
It's tumbling down

p/s: mohon doakan kesembuhan patella aku


  1. knp dgn lutut? sakit sbb gris/pelincir dah kurang ke??

    1. tak tau la dak keciq. katanya urat.. sekarang alhamdulillah la dah okay sikit. tapi tu pun aku tak berani kasar-kasar sangat.. salah pusingkan sikit lutut aku tu, haa mulalah meronta kesakitan..hahaha

    2. ooo I see.. dah check doc lum? my gf pun prob lutut. tapi sebab dah haus. keje dia banyak jalan. kesian tengok dia. suggest dia makan gamolex gold n alhamdulillah dah okay kurang sakitnya. apa² pun get well soon ye apple.. :)

    3. yeke? lutut ni dah la penting. suh die makan banyak2 ye dak keciq..biar lagi sihat!hehe.. haha, xberani la nak jumpe pegi jumpe tukang urut sudah.. alhamdulillah, makin okay. nway, thanx ya dak keciq! semoga lutut ur gf pn cepat2 sembuh :)

    4. Thanks juga doakan dia ;)

  2. Replies
    1. thanx. tamau datang melawat ke? ;)

    2. hehehe akan menyusul kemudian ;)

    3. hehe.. okay. sy tunggu awak taw..
      dan jangan lupa buah tangan.. ;p

    4. okey awak tunggu saya datang tau :)
      hahaha okey noted~

    5. roger la dulu before datang,
      jangan main terjah je..hehe ;D

    6. ye baik nnt saya roger awak dulu before datang.
      saya bkn orang melodi main terjah je ;)

    7. hahaha.. bagus2
      pastu kite p jalan2 eh.. tp kena tunggu lutut ni betul2 sembuh la ;)

    8. ye baik..kite jjcm..semoga lutut awak cepat sembuh :)

    9. jjcm? gemok la saya ni nanti..hehe
      amin.. sekarang dah makin okay :)
